Thursday, March 26, 2009


I just wrote up a thing and sent it off to my boss. Before sending it off, I did the whole word spell check thing, and was a bit disappointed in my grade level on the readability statistics. It came back as grade 17.2.

That's total crap. Counting kindergarten, I have had 20 grades. Plus, the whole studying for the bar exam should count as a grade because I had never studied that hard for prior 20 grades. So I should at least be topping out around 21 grade level. And because I tend to think I am above average, I should be getting 22 to 23.

But no, I am just an underacheiving dumbass. Though I guess it doesn't matter much, the whole thing will be rewritten by another anyway (then we shall see how the grade level comes out). So why try right?
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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