Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Being Honest About Myself

I used to forget things all the time; but not exactly. I spent a lot of time convincing people that I was the most forgetful person of all time. Not all people, mostly just people who asked me to do things, but did not pay me to do them. Take the chicken out of the fridge at five, mow the lawn before it rains, pick up grandma from the train, I forgot to do all those things. But sometimes, I was asked to do something, and I did not actually forget, I just did not do it.

Today, I got yelled at by one the administrative people I work with. Well, yelled at in a motherly, secretarial kind of way. I had been putting off taking care of some administrative bullshit that I kind of needed to take care of but not really. Back in March I first found out that some action was needed on my part. May came around, and I finally got around to doing it, but tried to do it on my own, without going through her. I failed utterly and miserably, and when she found out I tried to go it alone, she was not happy. So today, when I finally tried to fix it again, I went straight to her, hoping she might have forgotten how annoyed she was with me a month and half ago. Which she had, but still "yelled" at me and extracted a promise from me that I would go to her first for this type of thing in the future.

As I have gotten older, and then even older, I have decided to forgo convincing people of my absent-mindedness because I usually have quite a sharp memory, and be honest with them. I am just very very lazy. Extremely lazy.

So today, I did not make excuses. After all, this stupid form I had to fill out could only benefit me. Not really in an economic way (I never pass up money), but make my life a little bit easier. But I just did not care enough to take care of it. So I put it off and put it off, until finally today, I was so bored, I figured I would just get it done (it took all of two minutes plus a lecture). I am just that lazy.

My hair, more than anything, helps to define my laziness. In the past, I never really cared much about hair. In high school I would comb it, but I never really had a hairstyle or anything. In college and law school, I pretty much wore a hat all the time. This was because I was too lazy to get out of bed long enough before class to shower. On the days that I did (like a 3 pm class), i usually forewent combing or anything like that.

After all, by law school, male pattern baldness had pretty much set in. If I did not give a shit about my hair when I had a decent hairline, fat chance of me caring about it now. But now I have a job, and I assume I am supposed to look respectable (no one has actually said anything, so I figure I am good for now).

So for work, I comb my hair, put gel in it (because I still have a damn cowlick), and try to look presentable. But the thing is, I hate long hair. I much prefer my hair to be nice and short so that after I shower in the morning, I do not have to do anything to it. Yet, I always let it grow real long (and not just because my girlfriend hates when hair is short). So every four months or so, I cut it off. But usually at the three month mark, I start thinking every morning that I need to cut it. I am just too lazy to ever get around to it.

So when I go a week or month without posting, just know, it is because I am lazy. Unless you pay me. Then I will post whenever you want.

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