Monday, June 29, 2009

I like my job

So there I was, just after lunch, my feet up on my desk, diet dr. Pepper just to my right, leaning all the way back in my chair, headphones on, listening to some rocking tunes, a highlighter in my mouth, with the code in my lap opened to some random section that I was reading for some background, when my boss walked in. To talk about a fantasy baseball trade we made over the weekend. Life is good.

Sidenote: texting while walking down stairs is not the best idea in the world.

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1 comment:

Law said...

I hate you ligo. I could never pull off having my feet on my desk (mostly bc I am a girl and we dont do that). It also seems like I have more stuff to do than you! All those tax dollars . . .

ps I love you and I smiled when I saw you posted.

And be careful with those stairs geriatric! hehehe